LetterTrack pricing

Pricing for blocks of transactions

With LetterTrack, there are no contracts or monthly subscription fees. You simply purchase transactions as needed. One transaction is deducted from your account for each trackable address that is printed to an envelope or address label. Transactions can be purchased in various quantities.

The cost per transaction decreases as you purchase larger blocks of transactions.  

Number of Transactions Cost per Transaction Total
50 $.32 $16
100 $.28 $28
250 $.24 $60
500 $.21 $105
1000 $.18 $180

Getting Started

Register for your Free Trial

Registering your account is free and takes less than 5 minutes. Your account will have 5 free transactions so you can try LetterTrack at no obligation.

Import a file or enter the recipient addresses one at a time  

Print your envelopes or address labels using your desired format, which will include a USPS Informed Visibility mail tracking barcode above the address. 

Place regular postage on your envelopes and mail them

Apply regular postage to your envelopes using USPS stamps, online postage providers like stamps.com or with a postage meter.  Place the envelopes in your mailbox for your postal carrier to pickup, drop them in a USPS drop box, or bring them to your local post office.